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Programme Outcomes (POs) and Course Outcomes (COs)
Referring to our Institution, college runs Bachelor of Arts which is of 3 years duration. Flexibility is given to the students in while selecting the subject combination. This programme gives scope in choosing subject combination i.e., optional subjects like; Kannada, History, Political Science, Economics and Sociology.
Subject combination under CBCS
1. History – Kannada – Sociology
2. History – Political Science – Economics
3. Economics – Political Science – Sociology
Programme Outcome:
The above group of combination gives scope for higher education i.e., M.A., MSW, Library Science, Journalism, LL.B., MBA, B.Ed., PG Diploma courses, etc and accordingly gives utmost scope for all the competitive examinations conducted by UPSC, KPSC and other recognized Institutions.
The above all three group of subject combinations gives scope for employability at different sector including State and Central Government departments.
Subject combination under NEP
Any two DSC [Discipline Specific Course]+any one OEC [Open Elective Course] + any one in SEC [Skill Enhancement Course] + languages.
With the active role of IQAC and involvement of all the subject teachers, the overall scope of the programme outcome is well communicated to parents and students at the time of admission and accordingly, communicated through pamplets, displayed on banner, notice board and also at the college website.
The students studying in B.A. program are expected to come out with the following qualities during their course of education -
Inculcation of moral and human values. Sense of Social responsibility and service. Critical Thinking. Creative ability.
Soft skills and Life Skills
Course Outcome:
Students who have selected History under DSC need to study in all six semester. At the end of the course he / she will be able to gain –
1. About Inscription
2. Monuments
3. Currency
4. Freedom Fighters
5. Administration
6. Civilization
7. Social and cultural aspects, etc.
CO: (a) Develop the reading habit (b) Language efficiency (c) Inscriptions (d) Research culture (e) Linguistic knowledge (f) Folklore, etc.
CO: After the completion of the graduation, students who have chosen this subject in respective group, they are going to inculcate the following qualities –
(a) Research culture (b) Indian Religions (c) Family (d) Marriage Act
(e) Social responsibilities (f) Life style of different tribes (g) Survey (h) different levels of crimes, etc.
CO: At the end of the graduation, students would able to learn the following qualities –
(a) International Trade (b) Balance of Payments (c) Money Market System (d) Problems of Indian Economy (e) Five-Year Plans (f) Credit Creation (g) Public Expenditure, (h) Public Revenue system, etc.
Political Science:
CO : This is one of the important subject for all the competitive examination. This subject gives scope for cracking various competitive examination. In addition to this, students who opted this subject as a career, he / she would able to gain the knowledge and skills –
(a) Political Awareness (b) Public Life (c) Human Rights (d) Voters Awareness
(e) Indian Constitution (f) Leadership abilities.
Students who have chosen B.Com as their career are expected to come out with the following outcomes -
Develop managerial skills. Entrepreneurial skills.
Budgeting policy.
Human Resources Management. Develop Numerical ability.
Well versed with business regulatory framework. Professional Ethics
After successful completion of B.Com. degree, it gives scope for higher education and also professional courses. Students can continue for M.Com., M.Com.(CS), MBA, MBA(IT), MSW, LL.B,. CS, ICWA, PGDBM, PGDCA, B.Ed., etc,.
Explain with evidence in a maximum of 500 words Response:
The core Vision and Mission statement of the Institution to provide quality education and prepare students competent to face current trends. The quality assessment of teaching, learning, continuous evaluation and timely reforms play a significant role in enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the system. These specifications are stated as Programme Specific Outcomes and Course Outcomes. With the active role of IQAC and scope of our esteemed Management, Principal ensures the necessary infrastructural facilities and augmentation of learning resources based on the suggestions / recommendations of faculty members and other stakeholders from time to time on a priority basis.
College has a policy to encourage every faculty member for the promotion to participate in seminars, conferences and workshops organized by different recognized Institutions. During the assessment period, faculty members have catered non CBCS, CBCS and NEP students in understanding the course curriculum.
The courses aim for facilitating the personal development and capacity of students to plan and manage their own learning. Instead of using traditional teaching methods, new teaching methods and pedagogical tools are required to ensure the achievement of desired learning outcomes for each of the courses. In view of the programme outcomes for BA/ B. Com. faculty members engage themselves with the following different activities -
1. Class room lectures
2. Optimum utility of ICT for effective delivery of course curriculum.
3. Solving the Case Study and previous question papers.
4. Sufficient assignment given to students prompting them to read and write.
5. Field visit / study tours based on course curriculum as a mark of course enrichment activities.
6. Group Discussion
7. Problem solving
8. Discussion and debate
9. Quizzes
10. In-house seminars, etc. Attainment of POs & PSOs:
Programme Outcomes (PO), and Course Outcomes (COs) are measured through the performance in curricular and co-curricular activities of the students. Depending on the nature of the course taken, some of the methods employed for measuring the attainment level of Programme Outcomes of the students are as below:
Direct Method:
1. The Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) and End-Semester Examination (ESE) are the prime tools for evaluation of PO and CO attainment. The CIA matrix comprises of two tests, assignment, presentation, practical’s and attendance.
2. Experiential learning in the form of organizing events like workshops/seminars/fests is also used to evaluate students’ organizational and leadership skills which are a component of PO attainment.
Indirect Method:
1. Student Feedback on Curriculum is obtained and the same is shared with the departments so that their feedback is discussed and relevant changes, if any, are made
2. PO is evaluated based on the performance of the students in terms of their progression to higher studies, qualification in competitive examinations and placement.
Outcome of the PO and CO:
Soon after the announcement of semester end result, every subject is
evaluated to identify the overall performance of students and similarly, the overall performance of outgoing students is evaluated and keep the track of outgoing students who have continued for higher education, qualified in different competitive examinations, placed at different sectors and students started their own entrepreneurships. During the last five years, 48 students continued for higher education, 26 students started their own entrepreneurships, 57 students got placed at different sectors.